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Red & White Ball: Canceled

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Youth Programs did not meet the minimum number of participants for this program, so it has been canceled. 

Tik Tok Challenge ✓ Driving Simulator ✓ Awesome music and refreshments ✓✓

If your tween or teenager is ready to get out of the house and have some quality social time, Youth Programs is hosting the perfect event. They don't even have to be that into Valentine's Day. Bring friends! 

The Red & White Ball is a teen/tween-centric dance happening at the Charleston Club on the Air Base.  With music, contests, and other activities, the kids will keep busy in a safe and friendly environment. 

Early registration is required; the deadline is February 4th. Tickets are $5. All attendees are required to wear masks. Call 843-963-5684 to register and/or gather more details. 

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Monday, June 03, 2024

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